Your help!

A donation to the Maendeleo Foundation means investing in active helpers and direct assistance. Because we have no administrative apparatus, donations flow directly to where help is needed most. It is effective, verifiable, sustainable and supported by love. Together with us, give these children, young people and the poor rural population in Kenya a bright future. Thank you – Asante sajna!

10 Euro
For 10 Euro per month (Euro 120/year) you sponsor a child of a Kenya Care mother at a day school in Kenya, including uniform, shoes and a meal per day.

16 Euro
For 16 Euro per month (Euro 192/year) you can sponsor a disabled child and they can attend the Port Reitz School. This money is used to pay school fees, including the school uniform and necessary school materials. You not only give the child a chance for a better future, but also the feeling of being seen.

25 Euro
For 25 Euro per month (Euro 300/year), an HIV-positive mother can follow Kenya Care’s intensive training and guidance program. She then learns how to deal with her illness and we help her earn an income by setting up her own business.

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In many cases you can deduct your donation from you income tax!
Read more about donating with tax benefits.
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